School Drive

The annual School Drive is one of the most important campaigns for Jefferson Dollars for Scholars. Principals are asked to choose a School Drive Coordinator - a teacher, staff member, a volunteer or the Principal - to plan their in-school activities.  Jefferson Parish public school students and employees are asked to contribute $1.00 or more through their fundraising efforts. 

The School Drive honors the founding premise of Dollars for Scholars: if everyone in the community contributes a dollar, then deserving local students can go to college. If the School Drive attains its goal, then collectively the students and families are the largest contributors to Jefferson Dollars for Scholars each year!  This sets the stage for the community-at-large to join in this impactful educational program.


Incentives and Awards

All participating Jefferson Parish elementary and middle schools receive one summer enrichment camp award for a student selected by the school from the criteria suggested by Jefferson Dollars for Scholars.

If an elementary or middle school raises 100%-199%, they will receive a 2nd award.

If an elementary or middle school raises 200%-299%, they will receive a 3rd award.

If an elementary or middle school raises 300% or more, they will receive a 4th award.